Checklist of ISO/IEC 27001-A.17.1.1 Business continuity planning


In today’s dynamic business environment, the need for business continuity planning is more critical than ever before. 

Organizations must prepare for potential disruptions to their operations caused by unforeseen incidents, such as natural disasters, cyber attacks, and other events that could impact their ability to function. 

The ISO/IEC 27001 standard provides guidelines on business continuity planning to help organizations assess their business continuity requirements and develop suitable strategies to address them. 

In this article, we will explore the key components of A.17.1.1 – Business Continuity Planning and how organizations can implement them effectively.

Sample Checklist:

  • Business Continuity Requirements: Determine the critical business processes and the associated assets that are necessary for business continuity. Assess the risks the organization faces, identify potential incident impacts, and mandate suitable preventative, detective, and corrective controls.
  • High Availability Design: Verify that suitable ‘high availability’ designs are employed for IT systems, networks, etc. supporting critical business processes. Ensure that those involved understand the risks, correctly identify business critical processes, and associated assets.
  • Business Continuity Plans: Evaluate the business continuity plans, continuity exercises/tests, etc. by sampling and reviewing the process documentation, reports, etc. Verify that events likely to interrupt business processes will be promptly identified and assessed, triggering disaster recovery-type activities.
  • Disaster Recovery Activities: Establish disaster recovery-type activities to ensure that events likely to interrupt business processes are identified and promptly assessed. Evaluate the effectiveness of the disaster recovery procedures and verify that appropriate measures are in place to minimize the impact of any incidents.
  • Continual Improvement: Continuously evaluate the business continuity planning process to identify areas for improvement. Develop an improvement plan to address any deficiencies, implement appropriate changes, and monitor the effectiveness of the new processes.
See also  Checklist for ISO/IEC 27001 - Annex A.5.1.1 Policies for information security:


Business continuity planning is an essential part of an organization’s risk management strategy. 

It ensures that critical business processes are maintained even during unforeseen incidents, minimizing the impact on the organization’s ability to function. 

The ISO/IEC 27001 standard provides guidelines on how to assess business continuity requirements and develop suitable strategies to address them. 

By implementing the key components of A.17.1.1 – Business Continuity Planning, organizations can ensure that they are adequately prepared to handle any disruptions to their operations.

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